Dating from the early 19th Century ca.1830 This Beautiful Mahogany Antique Regency Tea Table / Console Table / Games Table has a beautifully figured top with canted corners and cross-banded edges. The top swivels open to double the size to reveal a beautifully figured interior and concealed compartment. This wonderful antique table has a beautifully figured frieze with cross-banded inlay and stands on an elegant turned central pedestal. The quadraform shaped base has four elegant splayed legs with brass castors.
This stunning late 18th Century Country House Antique Georgian Side Table / Tea Table dates from circa, 1790. It comes with wonderful genuine charm and character. It has a beautifully figured top that opens to double its size if required using a gate leg mechanism to support the top when opened. This sits above a figured frieze with central drawer, having a brass swan neck handle. This delightful antique table stands on four elegant cabriole legs with pad feet.
This Fine 18th Century, Period Mahogany, Demi Lune Antique Georgian Tea Table / Games Table / Console Table dates from circa, 1790 and has a D shaped figured top. This country house antique table comes with wonderful genuine charm and character. The top has a moulded edge and opens to double its size if required using a gate leg mechanism to support the top when opened. This fine antique table has a deep frieze with two small drawers having decorative brass handles.
This Quality Edwardian Mahogany Antiques Games Table / Card Table dates from ca. 1900. It has a beautifully figured top with carved moulded edge and the top opens to double the size to reveal a green baize playing surface under which can be found an unusual games compartment. The top is supported by draw leaf back legs. This beautiful antique table stands on four fine cabriole legs with ball and claw feet
This 19th Century, Quality Walnut Victorian Antique Card Table / Games Table dates from ca. 1870 and comes with a beautifully figured top with fine inlays. The top opens to double its size, revealing a concealed games compartment in the process and the playing surface is finished in green baize. It stands on beautifully turned reeded legs with decorative brass and white porcelain castors.
This Early 19th century Quality Mahogany Antique Regency Games Table / Card Table dates from ca. 1830 and comes with wonderful, genuine charm and character. It has a beautifully figured top that swivels open to double its size, revealing a concealed games compartment in the process and the playing surface is finished in a green baize. This beautiful antique table stands on a central turned pedestal with quadraform base and four out-swept legs with brass castors.
In the Georgian design, this 19th Century Quality Mahogany Victorian Antique Supper Table / Games table dates from ca. 1880. It has a beautifully figured top with fine shell carvings along with moulded edges.
This Spectacular early 19th Century Antique Mahogany Tea Table / Console Table dates from the Regency period ca. 1830 and is in the Gillows design. It has a D shaped top with reeded edge and the top swivels open to double its size if needed with a beautifully figured interior. This sits above a figured frieze and central turned reeded pedestal with shaped base and scrolled feet with castors.
This Spectacular late 19th Century Amboyna Antique Card Table/ Games Table dates from ca. 1880. It has the most stunning warm Amboyna figuring with ebonized edges. The top swivels open to double its size and reveals a green baize playing surface under which can be found a concealed games storage compartment. This stunning antique card table stands on four turned reeded columns with out-swept legs and porcelain castors. The top has a very slight bow on the sides and it has a shaped X frame with central turned finial.
This Spectacular 19th century Victorian Antique Walnut Games Table dates from ca.1870. It has a shaped moulded top that swivels and opens to double the size to reveal the most skilfully inlaid top, using many different varieties of woods. The inlay creates a chess and bridge board on a stunning figured walnut veneer. Below is a fitted frieze drawer with a non working key to aid opening. This truly stunning antique games table stands on turned upright supports, has a turned cross stretcher and four elegant scrolled carved legs and white porcelain castors.
This early 19th century Stunning Antique Victorian Rosewood Card Table / Games Table / Console Table dates from circa, 1850 and has a beautifully figured top which swivels and opens to double its size. Once opened it reveals a green baize playing surface and concealed games compartment. This sits above a frieze with decorative moulding and stands on a tapering pedestal with circular base and small scrolled feet.